Krupt Supps Meltdown

Are you ready to Meltdown!?
MELTDOWN, our Thermogenic F Burnaaaa is sure to give you the kick you need. Our most potent and highly formulated ingredient list to date!
Took a few scientists to whip this one up…
MELTDOWN’S Thermo & Energy stack is Jammed packed with some heavy hitters! TRPM8, GBBOr, T2, Synephrine all making an appearance. If you know you know, and if you don’t….you’re about to🥵
There’s enough ingredients in Meltdown for Jono to list them to you and sound like Eminem at his last concert. Minus the vomit on his sweater ..mums spaghetti.
If you’re looking for the ultimate Thermogenic, then look no further MELTDOWN IS FOR YOU